A complete guide: Restriping your parking lot

June 7, 2024

Imagine pulling into a property where the parking lot is clearly marked, clean, and welcoming. On the flip side, imagine pulling onto a lot where the spaces are cramped and you can hardly see the lines to begin with. 

As a property manager, you know that first impressions are crucial. The state of your parking lot can significantly influence a prospective tenant's perception of your property.

Beyond aesthetics, though, a well-striped parking lot is essential for safety, efficiency, and compliance. 

In this guide, we'll walk you through the key considerations for effectively restriping your parking lot, making sure it not only looks great but also leads to a better experience for staff, residents, and guests. 

Here's what we’re going to dive into:

Why it’s important to restripe your lot

Restriping includes repainting all of the lines in your parking lot, as well as any other markings, like numbers, fire lane designations, curb paint, and one-way arrows. Sometimes, a restriping job may also involve installing wheel stops and safety bollards.

Restriping your parking lot is more than just a maintenance task. It’s a strategic upgrade that can significantly boost the functionality and appearance of your property. 

Here’s how you stand to benefit from restriping:

Enhance curb appeal

A freshly striped parking lot makes a positive first impression. Clean, vibrant lines signal to prospective residents that the property is well-cared for and managed with attention to detail. 

This initial visual appeal can be a powerful deciding factor when someone is choosing their next place to live. 

Improved organization and efficiency

Properly marked parking spaces and clear directional lines reduce confusion and improve the flow of traffic in your lot. This helps you use the space available most efficiently, making sure you can accommodate as many cars as possible without overcrowding. 

Reduced liability

A poorly maintained parking lot can be a liability risk. Faded or nonexistent marking can lead to accidents, especially if critical instructions like stop signs or directional arrows on one-way lanes aren’t clearly visible. 

In cases where faded markings lead to accidents, your property could get sued

Increased resident safety and satisfaction

Even if you’re not on the hook legally or financially, you don’t want faded or improper stripes to risk the safety of your residents. Clear and visible parking lot markings are essential for guiding both drivers and pedestrians in preventing accidents or injuries. 

With faded stripes, the confusion may cause someone to literally park in the middle of the parking lot, like this example from Reddit

Faded stripes can also make it difficult to see designated zones, like handicapped spots, guest parking, and no parking zones. 

In addition to the impact on safety, striping can affect overall satisfaction. Poor striping can lead to confusion, people parking in someone else’s spot, and a whole slew of other potential problems. Regular restriping can help to significantly reduce these complaints and frustrations.

Compliance with regulations

There are certain requirements that all multifamily properties have to comply with when it comes to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and fire safety codes. These areas must be clearly marked to remain compliant, and failure to do this could result in fines or legal challenges. 

How do you know it’s time to restripe?

There are a few key indicators that it’s time to restripe your parking lot. 

Poor visibility

The easiest way to determine that you need to invest in restriping is simply by looking at your lot. A quick visual test can help you determine if it needs a touch-up. Lines that are hard to see at night or numbers that are faded and difficult to read are easy indicators. 

Typically, properties need to restripe their lot every year or two. If you live in a place with more extreme weather, though, whether that’s a lot of rain and snow or extreme heat, you may need to do this more often. 

If you’re planning to seal coat your parking lot, you will also need to have it restriped. 

Although maintenance is often the most common reason for restriping, and it involves simply painting over the existing lines to make them more visible, restriping may also involve changing the layout of existing spots or even adding new ones. 

Here are some of the indicators that you may need to pursue a more overhaul-style retriping. 

Your lot isn’t compliant

There are many regulations associated with parking lots. One of these regulations, which varies from state to state, dictates how many spots you must have for the property. 

Although restriping won’t happen when developing a new building (this would just be striping), certain changes to the regulations you have to follow may happen when you make modifications to the property. For example, if you increase your building size by 25%, you’ll also have to bump up the number of parking spots. 

Accessible spots are also required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Below you can see the minimum requirements for accessible spaces, as determined by the total number of parking spaces. 

Improper parking

Another indicator that your current striping system isn’t working is if people are constantly parking improperly. 

One common scenario is if your spots are too small for many of your residents’ cars. This can lead to people hitting other cars if they have difficulty pulling in or out of spots. Or it could lead to people taking up multiple spots so that they don’t have to squeeze. 

These habits could be a sign that your current spots aren’t cutting it. 

Switching to reserved parking

Sometimes, restriping includes painting or repainting numbers on your spots. Many properties have to do this when they make the switch from unreserved to reserved parking. In order to easily dictate which resident parks where, you’ll need to paint unique numbers on each spot. 

For other kinds of spots, like staff parking, visitor parking, or future resident parking, you could either paint an indicator on the spots or use signage. 

Space shortage

If you’re constantly facing issues with not having enough parking, restriping is a potential solution. If you have many larger spots and lots of residents with smaller cars, you may be able to get a few extra spots by turning regular spots into compact spots. For example, you may be able to create 4 compact spots out of 3 regular spots. 

You do want to be careful here, though, so that you don’t create a new problem with overly-tight spaces like we talked about above. 

Restriping is a pretty big expense, as we’ll talk about later in this guide, so you want to make sure that if you’re restriping to resolve a space shortage, you’ve explored all other options first. Many properties find that they’re more than able to make do with the current amount of spots they have if they simply adopt the right parking management system. Often, this includes a solution like Parkade that digitizes parking records and unlocks idle spaces for short-term use, boosting capacity as a result.


If your restriping job is going to be more of an overhaul, the dimensions of spots you choose are one of the most important things to consider. 

Not only are the dimensions relevant to make sure you’re being compliant to regulations, but it also impacts the resident experience. 

To illustrate how the wrong spot sizes can impact your residents, we’ll just let this quote from a San Francisco resident tell you how he felt about the parking lot situation in his apartment complex:

"The parking lot is designed by a madman tripping on LSD. My car was in near-perfect condition when I started here and I was excited to keep it that way by having underground garage parking. Nope! The design of the parking lot itself has ensured my car is maimed. And yet I pay $475/month for a spot." - Gabriel S.

We put together an in-depth guide on picking the right parking space dimensions if you want to dive deeper into the topic, but we’ll sum it up at a high level below. 

Common parking spot dimensions

  • Standard U.S. parking space = 18 ft x 8 ft 6 in
  • Standard Canada parking space = 17 ft x 9 ft
  • Large standard U.S. parking space = 20 ft x 9ft
  • Compact spaces = 16 ft x 8 ft
  • Standard parallel spaces = 23 ft x 8 ft 6 in, with 3 feet of safety on the side and at least 12 feet for traffic flow between parallel parking spaces.
  • Compact parallel spaces = 19 ft 6 in x 6 ft 6 in, with 2.4 feet of safety on the side and at least 11.5 feet for traffic flow between parallel parking spaces.
  • Tandem parking spaces (for two cars) = 9 ft x 36 ft

Angled parking space dimensions

Angled parking spots are often used as a space-saving method in especially tight parking lots. Although the size of the actual spots will remain the same, the space for traffic flow will differ based on the angle of the spot.

The average angled spot is at a 45-degree angle, which requires 14 feet for traffic row between the end of two rows of spots. For a 60-degree angle, you need 20 feet of space. 

Accessible parking space dimensions

Like we mentioned above, you’ll also need to include a certain number of accessible parking spaces. 

Per the ADA guidelines, one of every 25 conventional spaces needs to be handicap accessible. And one of every 6 of the accessible spots needs to be van accessible. 

The dimensions for these different spots can vary slightly. 

For car accessible spaces, they must be at least 96” wide with a marked access aisle that’s at least 60” wide. It’s important to note that two handicapped spaces next to each other can share a single 60” access aisle between them. 

For van-accessible spaces, you have two options. You can have a spot that is 132” inches (11 feet) with an access aisle that’s at least 60” wide, or you can have a spot that’s 96” wide with an access aisle that’s 96” wide. 

How to pick the right size spots

In addition to making sure that your lot is in compliance with all local regulations, you’ll want to match the spot sizes with your residents’ needs.

For example, if you have many residents with large trucks, switching too many of your spots from standard to compact spots is going to cause some issues. On the other hand, if you see that many of your residents have very small cars and you’re short on spots, consolidating a handful of larger spots into compact spots may work out in your favor. 

If you’re looking to take advantage of angled spots as a space-saving strategy, you’ll want to consider the change in experience that it will cause for people parking, such as potentially having to navigate trickier parking spaces and switching from two-way to one-way parking lanes. 

How long restriping takes

For the average apartment complex parking lot, you can expect a restriping job to take about a day, but for really large complexes, especially those with garages that have multiple levels, this could span into a multi-day operation. 

Once the paint is on the pavement, it usually takes about 30 minutes to dry to the touch and about 2 hours until it’s safe for cars to drive on. And of course, weather can affect the drying times as well. Summer tends to be the most ideal season to paint since the warm, dry weather helps the paint dry quicker. 

If you are sealcoating your parking lot, your timeline will be a bit longer since you need to wait for the sealant to dry before applying the paint, which takes about 24 hours

Consider where you will send people when they need to vacate your lot

Something that many people don’t consider from the outset of planning a restriping is that all residents need to vacate the lot or garage for several hours if not the whole day. 

You could restripe section-by-section so that only small chunks of your residents need to park elsewhere at once. 

If you are choosing to tackle the whole lot at once, you’ll need to communicate with residents ahead of time to avoid any delays, the need to tow, and frustration for both staff and residents. While you could simply tell people they are not allowed to park there for a certain period of time and leave it up to them to find alternative parking, you’ll typically have more success by handing them a clear solution.

One of Parkade’s client had a similar experience recently when they had to clear their lot for a few hours, although it was for a garage cleaning, rather than restriping. Since they were using Parkade as their centralized parking management solution, they were able to make it really easy on themselves and on their residents by simply booking all residents a temporary reservation in their neighboring property’s lot across the street. 

Even if you don’t have a neighboring lot as a solution, you could use a solution like Parkade to make it easier to move people elsewhere. For example, you could restripe one section at a time and make automatic reservations for the parkers who have to relocate in empty spots in other areas of the parking lot. 

Costs associated with restriping

The price tag associated with restriping your parking lot can vary pretty greatly depending on a variety of factors. On top of the difference you can expect to see in different geographical locations, here are some common factors that affect the price:

The size and number of spaces

The average cost per linear foot for striping can be anywhere from $0.25 to $1 for each linear foot, depending on the width of the line, and there are often other fees associated with the job. Typically, a parking lot with 50 spaces can cost anywhere between $350-800. For parking lots with 100 parking spaces, you can expect costs around $700-1,600. 

However, restriping is typically around 20-50% less than a brand-new paint job, so you could save some money if it’s a simple repaint, rather than an overhaul. 

Additional markings like arrows, letters, numbers, handicapped logos, car stops, and curb paintings are typically not included in this cost, due to the additional paint needed as well as the more complex application processes. 

Quality of paint

We’ll touch on which types of paint are best for certain scenarios in the final section below, but it’s important to note that the paint you choose will affect the price. Some paints are generally cheaper, but since they’re often not as durable, you have to weigh these cost savings with the cost of more frequent repainting. 

Prep work

Additional preparation like cleaning, removing old lines, and repairing cracks increases the overall cost. Cleaning and preparation can cost around $0.10 to $0.20 per square foot, and line removal can add $0.50 to $1.50 per linear foot.

Frequency of maintenance

Regular maintenance may qualify you for discounts from some service providers since frequent upkeep will generally make the job easier and quicker.

The best paint to use

Thermoplastic paint

This is the most durable option. It contains plastic, which has to be heated and melted down before applying it to your lot. 

This durability helps it hold up against bad weather, leading to less need for restriping since it lasts a long time. It has a higher price tag and is more time-consuming to apply, but given the reduced need to touch it up, it often ends up balancing out. 

Water-based paint

This is the most affordable and eco-friendly option. It’s also quicker to apply. However, this comes at a cost since it doesn’t stand up to the harsh elements very well. If your property is in an area that frequently has rain or snow, this may not be the best option. The benefits can quickly be canceled out by a need to constantly touch the paint up. 

Oil-based paint

If you live in a climate with a lot of cold winters, oil-based paint is probably the best option. It’s a bit more affordable than thermoplastic paint, but still delivers durability, at least when it comes to withstanding freezing temperatures. It’s not eco-friendly like water-based paint, but given its long life span, this may end up being less relevant.

Support restriping efforts with a seamless parking experience 

While having clear and well-planned stripes for your parking lot is extremely important in making it easier for your parkers to navigate your lot, that’s just one piece of the puzzle. 

If you’re looking to really optimize parking at your property, you need to zoom out just a bit more. Think of the system that you’re using to manage your overall parking operations. Is it easy to reserve and pay for long-term parking? Can guests get parking easily? How effective is enforcement? Do you have a reliable record of who is supposed to park where? Or is your team wasting hours every week wrangling parking and everything that comes with it?

If you’re ready to explore a tech-powered parking solution that creates a better experience for residents, guests, and staff alike, Parkade is your all-in-one solution

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BlogParking Management Software ROI

Investigating the ROI of parking management software

With parking being one of the largest drivers of ancillary revenue at multi-family properties, it's imperative to get it right. But just how much return can you expect from parking management software? Read on to find out.

Published: August 7, 2024
Hannah Michelle Lambert
Content Writer
Boosting ancillary revenue is often a major focus for property managers and owners alike.

Especially given that the baseline forecast for rent growth is slightly lower this year than average (2.5% versus 2.9%), properties are increasingly looking for ways to raise their bottom line without compromising the quality of living for their residents. 

One often overlooked but significant opportunity lies in parking. If managed well, it’s a potential treasure trove for additional revenue. But that’s only if it’s done well. 

Parking tends to be one of the biggest thorns in the side of a property manager. Because traditional systems — like spreadsheets and rentable items — are not built to handle tenant parking efficiently, teams aren't able to reap the full benefits parking has to offer as an ancillary revenue source. As soon as a team makes the decision to invest in a proper parking management system, the benefits often more than pay for themselves.

In this guide, we will explore those benefits, touching on both the financial and operational upside of a solid parking management strategy.

We’ve combed the data from all of our clients to identify the exact numbers to prove that there truly is ROI in parking management systems like Parkade. 

Understanding parking management

Before we dive into the numbers, let’s first establish a baseline of what exactly parking management entails. As any property manager will tell you, it involves much more than just hanging a tag on a resident’s car and calling it a day.

The key components of a parking management system are:

  • A system of record to track parking assignments, lease lengths, vehicle details, and parking prices, ideally integrated with your PMS.
  • An enforcement strategy that ensures parking rules are clear and establishes consequences (typically fines or towing) when someone breaks them.
  • A method to pay for parking, whether it’s bundled in with rent (which we don’t recommend) or paid for in a separate system.
  • A self-serve system for residents and guests to book long or short-term parking. 
  • If there is a gate on the property, provisioning and deprovisioning of gate entry should also be considered in the parking management strategy. 

The old-school way of addressing these needs isn’t cutting it anymore. Many properties are still using manual processes, like an Excel spreadsheet, rentable items, or even a physical piece of paper to keep track of their parking. 

And far too often, properties are relying too heavily on staff members to handle parking matters that take up a significant amount of time, like enforcement or guest parking.

Moreover, there’s one point that just can’t be ignored: If you’re still using old-school parking management systems like spreadsheets and rentable items, you’re leaving money on the table. 

So the parking management we’re discussing here that delivers positive ROI is a technology-led solution that automates all aspects of parking operations, improves resident experience, and unlocks new revenue streams.

Setting the stage: Residents value good parking

Delivering on resident expectations should be a main priority for any multifamily property, and parking is one area of the resident experience that is especially critical to consider here. 

65% of property managers cite parking as a top concern among residents. Whether it’s for existing residents or prospective residents, providing a simple, reliable, and flexible parking solution has a direct impact on the success of your property. 

Part of this is due to reputation. Properties have reported a 44% increase in their reputation scores after fixing their parking problems. And this boost in a reputation score can trickle into several different areas, boosting not only the number of new residents, but also leading to more renewals from existing residents.

But we know you want the hard dollar amounts, so let’s talk more about some real-world outcomes that Parkade's parking management software delivers. 

So, what do the numbers say about the ROI of parking management software?

Long-term net parking revenue for stabilized buildings

Once properties implement a system to help them optimize pricing and management of long-term parking, they see immediate gains in their long-term parking revenue. The average 6-month increase in net long-term parking revenue for the cohort of 7 properties we sampled was 24%, translating into thousands of extra dollars. 

Long-term net parking revenue for lease-ups

Better parking management also empowers properties to far outperform their projected revenue from long-term parking when they’re in the lease-up phase. 

On average, properties from the cohort we sampled estimated that they would bring in $15,925 on average from long-term parking revenue per month. But thanks to Parkade helping them optimize their parking strategy, better enforce their parking rules, and keep a better record of who is parking where, the average revenue from long-term parking was $23,450 on average, which is a 47.3% increase from the estimates in their pro forma. 

Total net parking revenue for stabilized buildings

For buildings that are already at full occupancy, the average increase in parking revenue sits at 31% once they implement Parkade’s parking management solution. 

Revenue metrics for lease-ups

The best time to implement new parking management systems is at the inception of the building. Getting parking right from the beginning ensures that you are maximizing total parking revenue from day one, as well as establishing a positive reputation around parking. Many properties underestimate the revenue from long-term parking and may often leave out potential short-term parking revenue altogether. 

When a few properties we worked with during this phase were estimating parking revenue at the start of their lease-up, they estimated around $35,000 on average. But the results, since they decided to go with Parkade right from the start, blew those numbers out of the water. In reality, they were able to bring in closer to $58,000 on average, which is a 66% increase from the estimates.

Short-term parking: An opportunity

The boost in revenue continues to be apparent when you zoom out to look at short-term parking, too. Short-term guest parking can be one of the most underutilized revenue streams, and represents a huge opportunity for multi-family properties to tap into. However, it's historically been very difficult or impossible for properties to see this revenue without parking management software that automates the process.

Especially in popular areas, like city centers or near shopping malls and sporting arenas, there’s often a high demand for short-term parking. When properties put a system in place to monetize this guest parking, they can unlock hundreds or even thousands of extra dollars per month. 

Automating guest parking

Without a good system in place to manage parking, many properties often leave guest parking as a free-for-all (meaning they don’t make money from it), or if they do attempt to monetize guest parking, it turns into a massive beast to handle. 

Erica, a property manager at Thrive Properties, told us about her pre-Parkade experience with guest parking, preventing them from delivering on a key resident need: “There was no world where we were doing short-term parking by the hour or even by the day because there was just no way to manage that.”

If you have a complicated or inconvenient system for guests to reserve parking, especially one where they have to walk into the office during office hours, guests are often more likely to try to get away with not paying for parking. (And if you don’t have a great system to enforce parking, they may very well get away with it).

With the right parking system, you’re able to give guests a flexible, 24/7 solution, removing any previous barriers that may have caused them to break the rules out of convenience. 
Maximizing guest parking availability

Another way that manual parking management may stand in the way of effectively monetizing guest parking is the inability to accurately track how many spots you have available for guests to reserve in the first place. 

Taylor, the property manager at Strata and Venue, shared her experience of desperately needing more guest parking and discovering they had a full 50 more open spots than they thought. 

“We actually had way more spots that we could have used for guest parking, but we didn’t know that because of the way we were using our parking system. Not to mention, we wouldn’t have the system to leverage them without a Parkade.”

When your parking management system gives you an accurate, real-time view of available spots, you can leverage guest parking to its full capacity.

Utilizing idle parking spots

A reliable parking-management system also allows you to make the most use of every single spot available. With technology that uses smart inventory management, properties can release idle or unassigned parking spots into the system for short-term use. So spots that would have otherwise been sitting empty between leases can suddenly be leveraged as an extra revenue-generating spot in the meantime. 

Net revenue for short-term guest parking

When properties have a great system to implement paid guest parking, without putting too much strain on their staff, they immediately see a boost in revenue.

They’re able to turn an operation that was perhaps bringing in no money — or some revenue, perhaps at the expense of staff time —  into a significant revenue source with little-to-no staff involvement. 

On average, Parkade customers experience a 303% increase in their guest parking revenue after Parkade fees. And there were some properties that saw almost a 400% increase.

Opex (operational expenses) savings

When handled manually, parking management can steal hours from on-site property management teams every week. Between fielding requests or complaints from residents, tracking down parking records, walking the lot to enforce rules, handling guest parking, and manually inputting rentable items, parking can quickly balloon into one of the most time-consuming tasks for staff.

Parking management software can automate away a lot of the most tedious aspects. For example, Parkade gives residents self-service access to reserve and pay for parking (while allowing for any rule sets the property wants to enforce), provides hands-off enforcement support, and even automates gate access via the app so that teams don’t have to worry about distributing or replacing clickers. 

Properties have seen that the time teams no longer spend on parking leads to a direct decrease in operational expenses. As a result, they can redistribute those team members' time to more meaningful tasks.

On average, we’ve seen properties decrease their operational expenses by $60,000-$100,000 from savings on parking operations alone. This means that they were able to save what’s equal to a full-time employee’s salary. 

Annual NOI improvement

All of the revenue metrics mentioned up until this point have been after Parkade's fees. 

When you roll everything up together — both the increase in revenue (after fees) and the opex savings — investing in parking management software has an incredibly positive impact on annual Net Operating Income (NOI).

Whether teams are looking to calculate their property value, secure financing, make operational decisions, or pitch to investors, NOI is one of the most critical numbers to boost. 

By coming at NOI from both sides, in terms of opex savings and revenue generation, parking management technology is extremely low-hanging fruit when it comes to boosting NOI. 

At the Parkade properties we surveyed, teams saw anywhere from a $66,000 to $126,000 improvement to their net operating income from parking alone. 

While parking may not seem like it deserves to be the biggest priority for many properties, the numbers tell a different story. By investing in a proper parking solution, properties are able to significantly improve upon all of their business goals, whether it’s boosting revenue, streamlining operations, improving resident experience, or all of the above. 

About Parkade

Parkade is the #1 parking management software for multi-family buildings. With our resident-facing app and staff dashboard, parking runs itself. Your team will boost revenue, reduce time spent on parking, and improve experience for residents and guests, all without lifting a finger.

Explore our features below, built for communities just like yours.

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