Boost NOI without compromise
With Parkade, you can specify exactly what’s available to the public. For example, if you have both gated and ungated areas, you can limit the public to spots outside the gate only.

Is your residential parking located in a busy area? Easily generate extra cash by offering public parking.
Get startedWith Parkade, you can specify exactly what’s available to the public. For example, if you have both gated and ungated areas, you can limit the public to spots outside the gate only.
Located near a sports stadium or arena? Easily earn more parking revenue with surge pricing by the hour, or schedule for days at time.
With demand-based pricing, you can entice more parkers during slower periods with discounts by the hour or day.
1. Search for a spot
Posted signage will take parkers to a web app where they can see their options.
2. Select and pay
They enter their info, and voila! If there’s a gate, they can access it for the duration of the booking.
From payment collection to problem reporting, we’ve got you covered.
Secure payment
Parkade handles all payments, including offering Apple and Google Pay for ultra-fast checkout.
Gate integration
Only public parkers with a current, valid reservation will be able to open your gate. Learn more ›
24/7 enforcement
For any issues that arise, Parkade customer support is here to help resolve them, day or night.
Learn more ›