#1 Hotel Parking Software

Automate your hotel parking with Parkade

Traditional hotel parking relies on legacy systems that overload staff and leave money on the table. Parkade brings parking into the 21st century with the first fully-automated solution — from booking, payment, access to enforcement.

Truck parking software

Give guests & staff an experience they'll love

Our parking software has all your hotel needs covered.

Self-serve booking
Integrated payment
Hourly/daily parking
Long-term parking
One-tap gate access
Dashboard for staff
Public parking
Visitor parking
Mobile enforcement
Dynamic pricing

How does it work?

Parkade app

Guests book directly with Parkade

With easy mobile reservations, parking is self-serve. Guests book, pay, and add vehicle info directly with Parkade — freeing up valuable time for hotel staff.

Guest parking software

Gate access is automated

With a simple installation, our parking software easily integrates with the existing gate at your hotel parking lot, allowing guests to enter if they have an active reservation.

Parkade app

Enforcement is digitized

Hotel staff can easily submit problems report right from their phones. Our team is available 24/7 to resolve parking issues and even call for towing.

Ditch the hang tags and paper tickets

Instead of using paper systems which are easily abused, we digitize all parking data at your hotel, keeping records 100% up-to-date. The result? Capacity is maximized and enforcement becomes a breeze.

Custom parking rules
Scan to park your truck

Let verified guests book upon arrival

Hotel guests simply scan posted signage to reserve a spot when they arrive in your lot.

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Create parking limits by hour, day or week

Easily create rules for both short-term and long-term parking at your hotel, such as daily or monthly limits, and specify price points across different scenarios.

Learn more ›

Custom parking rules
Parkade parking lot

Sell excess parking to the public

Located in a busy area? With Parkade, you can maximize parking revenue by selling your excess parking. Easily create zones that are available the public, and keep others reserved for guests only.

What are you waiting for?