The Reservations list shows all reservations, including canceled reservations, in the lot that have an end date no more than 7 days ago, or are taking place in the future. Eventually this page will show reservations with end dates up to 90 days ago.
On this page, you can see all the information about a reservation.

Canceling a Reservation
Currently, you can only cancel reservations free reservations. You will receive an error if you try to cancel any other reservations. Eventually this will change and you will be able to cancel and refund reservations from this page.
Reservation Details
When you click on a reservation, you can see all the details about it. Most importantly, you can see the price for the reservation, and whether or not the reservation is recurring.
Price Changes
When lot occupancy gets too high, or a waitlist gets too long, it’s a good indicator that rates for parking should be raised. This will encourage residents without a need for a parking spot to free the space for a resident that does, and will help prevent long waitlists in the lot. Parkade can help you get these price changes set up!
That said, price changes can be finicky - while we recommend coordinating directly with our team to manage a price increase at your lot, if you would like to learn how to make price changes on your own you can reach out to
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