Use Parkade as the way tenants get parking, for a fee, and they can rent hourly, Email all residents to let them know about the partnership, launch date, guest parking, and to expect an email from Parkade with the link to join.
Parkade will share sample messaging with you along with an FAQ PDF, so no need to worry about drafting content.daily or monthly. Up to them!
Hang signs in elevators, lobby and all other shared spaces. Parkade will provide signage that includes your building’s unique QR to allow residents to easily join the building’s Parkade.
Post in other building channels including Facebook groups, Nextdoor groups, etc.
Share resident emails with Parkade. We will email residents with their unique registration link to join your building’s Parkade group. We’ll also share links to helpful onboarding information.
Update physical signage at the spot to make it clear that these spots are not first-come, first-serve for whoever is driving by them. It should be clear that they are reserved parking (“Reserved parking: Tow away!” is our language recommendation), and it can help to have signage encouraging people to book the spots with Parkade.